Yippee, skippee! Farewell Mr. Lovely (Working Stiffs Mystery #9 ebook) has been released and is now available at your favorite online bookstore!
That’s right. At long last, Char has a new adventure in sleuthing and all your favorite characters—Steve, Gram, Marietta, Duke, Alice and Lucille–are back. Even Heather’s back, much to Char’s dismay!
As you might be anticipating, Farewell Mr. Lovely picks up several months after A Kiwi Before Dying (book 8 in the series), leaves off. Specifically, right as the holiday season starts kicking into high gear, so does Char’s suspicion that an accident victim’s death might not have been so accidental.

Book description:
The holidays aren’t off to a good start. Half the family gets food poisoning after celebrating Thanksgiving at Charmaine’s mother’s house. Then Char’s cop boyfriend Steve gets called out to the scene of a fatal car crash.
What’s worse, the guy who died was romancing Heather, Char’s nemesis since the sixth grade, and Heather shows up on Char’s doorstep to insist this wasn’t just an accident.
What’s even worse, Heather wants Char to use her skills as a human lie detector to unravel the mystery behind her lover’s death.
What mystery?
The guy died because of a car accident. That’s what Steve told Char, and he hadn’t lied. But there’s something about this “accident” that doesn’t add up.
But does it add up to murder?
* * *
I sincerely hope you enjoy the newest member of my mystery series family. It’s my great pleasure to write Char’s continuing story.
Happy reading and thank you for stopping by!