Envision this author happy dancing because her tenth book has hit the virtual shelves! 😀
This book was a real labor of love. It sent me into an absolute tizzy with an unexpected plot twist, but I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I hope you’ll like it too!
Better Wed Than Dead (Working Stiffs Mystery #10) picks up where Farewell, Mr. Lovely (book #9) left off. Not to give too much away, but as you can tell from the title and the cover image, there’s a wedding in this one. Kind of a dead giveaway, that title! But the wedding that kicks off the story isn’t Charmaine’s wedding, it’s Renee’s.
Remember Renee Ireland. the local reporter from Dogs, Lies and Alibis, who is the former girlfriend of Marietta’s husband? The one Marietta is so jealous of? Well, she and the entire family have been invited to this grand wedding that is taking place at the same resort where Marietta got married two years earlier. As you can imagine, drama queen Marietta Moreau is in a snit and is complaining to Char about being “upstaged.” That is, until they overhear that someone has died!

Available at Amazon. Available at all online retailers in the New Year.
Book description:
While attending a wedding at the venue where she’ll be walking down the aisle in three weeks, Charmaine is shocked when that event takes a deadly turn.
A young woman married to the bride’s nephew suddenly can’t breathe and dies after an apparent heart attack.
As a death investigator, Char finds it strange that a healthy woman in her twenties should suddenly die. But was she murdered as the girl’s parents insist? If she was, someone may have pulled off a perfect murder. At least until Char is assigned the case.
Determined to unravel the truth, Char’s is in a race against the clock to solve this “perfect murder” before her wedding day. But with her mother turning into a “momzilla” and interfering with Char’s plans at every turn, she has more to worry about than just catching a killer!
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I sincerely hope you enjoy Better Wed Than Dead. It’s been my great pleasure to write Char’s story.
Happy reading and thank you for stopping by!